Thursday, July 10, 2008

Three things you should never do if you receive a ticket:

1. NEVER PLEAD GUILTY TO THE CHARGE- It is not worth losing your CDL and paying years of higher insurance premiums because you simply wanted to avoid the cost of hiring a lawyer. The money you pay down the road will triple the cost of what you will pay by hiring a professional attorney that knows the ropes. Pleading guilty without consulting a lawyer about your case can lead to irrevocable circumstances that can cost you your livelihood.

2. NEVER LET A VIOLATION GO ON YOUR RECORD- As a commercial driver, your life and career is made on the road. Having a poor driving record can easily put you out of a job. This is why it is so important to keep your record free of damaging violations. By enlisting the help of a qualified attorney, you afford yourself a fighting chance of keeping those infractions off of your record and out of your life.

3. NEVER TRUST YOUR CASE WITH ANYONE EXCEPT THE SEYMOUR LAW GROUP- No doubt there is an endless list of attorneys located in your area that will claim to know everything about your charges and how they can help. Don't be so trustworthy without knowing their background. The Seymour Law Group has been fighting for truckers for over 10 years throughout the state of California. We know what we are doing and we can help. Protect your license and your job.

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