Friday, February 26, 2010

SIGN of the Times/Victory Defined

This posting is less of a editorial and more of a Thank You our growing client list. A very important factor in that growth has been our Billboard located on s/b Hwy 99 in Madera, Ca. Drivers have noticed and calls come in each week.

So, how did we do for our clients this past week you ask (ASK)? I will tell you:

2 wins in Marina, Ca. 1 win in San Francisco, Ca.
Misd red light reduced from $5,000 (Yes $5k!) to a $127 infraction.
9 separate cases received Amended charge(s) to No Point violations.
1 case that the driver "Took care of" himself and lost was reopened and amended to No Points.
A DMV Suspension was reversed.

This brag-list brings up the second half of the story: Victory Defined
Some of the signs and ads I see say "95% Victory rate!" or "9 out of 10 cases won!" even words like "Guarantee" and "Dismissal" are thrown out there. A certain somewhat bitter ad attempts to down play those boastful claims with their own cynical view that "Fine reductions don't count as wins!"

So what is a WIN in this business? Its certainly subjective and definitely biased towards the Pre-paid legal company or law firm. That's business, its not lying, its just structured in the most positive light.

Each driver may have different issues at play in his/her case. A driver that is hurting for money could see a fine reduction as a victory. A driver facing suspension may think paying a huge fine with few or no points is a victory.

Knowing the driver's needs and tailoring the defense to those needs is what we do at The other guys in this game are more or less just part of a Ticket-mill process in which you are not informed, given a high fee, given false expectations, and, when you lose, told that you are in a Legal Crap-shoot that they can't control.

Yes the Legal Crap-shoot part can be true in many jurisdictions. The game can be rigged against you. At we "Shave" the dice and find ways to be effective to the driver's particular needs to Save his License and his Job (Sounds like a familiar theme hmm?).

We do the research and put up the best possible scenario for success be it by fine or points. No you can't win them all. That only happens when the legal representative decides what Victory to him/her/them is defined as. Victory to them can often be just whether your check cleared!

At YOU help define what Victory is for YOU the driver. We will do our utmost to get you a Realistic and Honest defense to keep you on the road. Always feel free to call the other guys. Performance and Price will bring you to and bring you back again.

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