Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Client Satisfaction Survey-Sort of...

While traveling Interstate 5 this past week, I stopped in one of my usual spots. The Joe's Plaza in Westley. It's always crowded with trucks. Whenever I am there I paper the place pretty good with magnet-cards, business cards, and postcards.

The Driver's Lounge is the best spot to leave my literature. Yes, our competition also posts their ads in the form of pre-printed envelopes for drivers to "Send in" their money and their tickets for legal assistance. Not a bad method I guess. Let's follow the directions:

Place Money in Envelope.
Place Ticket in Envelope.
Call Office in Three (3) Days.

Got it! Now wait for the Magic to happen? It says 9 out of 10 tickets are "Won" this way. Pretty good odds unless I'm the Tenth Envelope of the day. So that means I lost? But what about those (3) days I have to wait to call about my problem? That's "Business days" right? But I work/drive everyday. My "Business days?" Or theirs? If this was my Last Day on the ticket then what? Surely the Magic Envelope knows what I need and when I need it.

Yes, I am being sarcastic and even caustic about this system. That's not fair though since I have never tried it myself. It may work from time to time. Money+Ticket+Magic=Ticket Gone?

Businesses rely on Feedback (Positive or Negative) to structure their operations. So, to get to the point. I see this box of Magic Envelopes in the Lounge on top of the Change Machine where it always is (Golden Rule: Don't move/remove other companies' ads. Not cool). I notice that someone has written, in large blue ink, the word, "RATERA." Now I no habla to any great extent but the look of the word itself made it obvious that Ratera was NOT a Positive Feedback.

A quick check of the telephone translator explained it right away: Ratera means Thief or Little Thief, someone who has cheated you etc...WOW! This person took the time to make a statement on his/her lack of customer satisfaction. That's powerful stuff. He/she didn't vandalize that box or throw it out. Time and thought was taken to tell both that company and other potential customers that the service advertised or provided did not satisfy that customer AND that customer felt he/she was "Cheated" by the Magic Envelope.

I re-stocked that area of the Lounge with my Postcards, business cards, and ink pens careful to not disturb the Magic box of my competitor and it's new slogan "Ratera" for all to see (Golden Rule!).

Call us 916 670 0930, we will answer. Look us up at www.truckerdefense.com. Find us on Twitter at truckerdefense. Same-day, honest answers with your attorney, no Magic, no envelopes.

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